Hello world!

  1. Twitter is the platform for fake news, bots and trolls. Provides a useful service, but we need some responsible ideas to fix it. .

  2. Nice couple, Beginning to look like a Trump Monarchy??? “Trump Couple, Now White House Employees . . “. NYT

  3. Please wake me up if any one has a scrap of evidence to support today’s DT twitter rant.

  4. Must keep immigrant families intact. Global consequences: Disruption, instability, human values.

  5. Must keep immigrant families intact. Global consequences: Disruption, instability, human values.

  6. . Trump Voters= 62,979,879. US citizens he represents = 325,616,839. Equals 19.3%. Just 1 in 5 Americans voted for him.

  7. Total voted for Trump = 62,979,879. Total U.S. citizens he represents = 325,616,839. Equals 19.3%. Less than 1 in 5 Americans voted for him.

  8. Enemies are Immigrants, Judiciary, Free Press, Intel community. With Fear and division in America. Russia wins.

  9. Did Flynn act with authorization or Direction? Did the President Elect defy Russia policies of the sitting President and Commander-in-Chief?

  10. Massive inauguration protests everywhere. The biggest protest in world history???Listen-up Washington.